Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Here we go again

For those of you who don't know God has decided to bless us already with one child. Madeline has done her best to challenge and strengthen us and give us just enough joy when we are ready to give up parenting. Well, we must be meeting expectations or need more training because last week the stick came up with 2 pink lines again. I guess God has made the decision to give us another try. This one is sure to be boy.
As Beth is taking the nausea like a champ, (well not really like a champ, but she is talking about it less this time) I am trying to go over all the expenses that the last one cost us. One day I will learn that not only are we better off than a lot of people, but God has never let the lights or the gas get turned off. Sometimes I forget.
I am determined that this child is going to make me grow up.


Senegal Daily said...

Congratulations!! We're so excited for you guys, not just for the new baby, but also to see how God shapes you through it.

Great writing, Stephen.

Abby said...
